Professor Explores African Expressive Arts

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Men dance in celebration, wooden ships race across the water and hands beat handcrafted drums. It is a celebration on the East African island of Lamu, and for Illinois Wesleyan University Associate Professor of Anthropology Rebecca Gearhart, it is an opportunity to learn.

“The expressive arts that I study are challenging to describe in words, which is why I use visual media,” said Gearhart, who has been exploring traditions off the coast of Kenya. “These traditions include the dance competitions performed during festivals and rituals, wood carving, handmade ship building – all visually spectacular Swahili expressive art forms.”

Although anthropologists often use photographs and video to illustrate their ethnographic research, Gearhart explains that it is rare for anthropologists to have been trained to use visual media as a methodology in a “visual anthropology” course. “There are very few of us who teach visual anthropology, which is why it is so unique for our anthropology program at IWU to be able to offer it to our students,” said Gearhart. “The issues that visual anthropology raises allow us to teach the visual methods course as a course on anthropological ethics.”

An instructor at Illinois Wesleyan since 1999, Gearhart explains to her students that taking a photo as a visual anthropologist is more than illustrating what you write about the society under study, it is part of a methodology used to gather information in a collaborative way. And taking images of people must always be done with the ethical implications in mind. “When an image of a person is taken, that person is often viewed as representing an entire culture and rarely if ever has any input on how the image is interpreted or used,” said Gearhart. “The best visual anthropology is collaborative in nature and allows members of the society under study to participate in their own representation.”

According to Gearhart, taking photographs of people is a great way to build rapport. “Giving people copies of the photos you take of them is an important way to earn their trust, especially since most visitors promise to send photos but never do.” In addition, Gearhart uses photographs in the interview process. “You need to talk with the people in the photos, so they can explain what’s going on in the image,” said Gearhart. “It sounds simple, but those conversations provide detailed information that leads to a greater understanding of the culture.”
