IWU Students Take Lead On Publications

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – The titles of the articles sound like they belong in the pages a lengthy government study or a high-gloss national magazine: School Vouchers: Does Increased Competition Benefit the Masses? A Study on Obesity and its Relationship to Socioeconomic Background and Current Earnings.

Yet these titles are in fact part of a unique publication, an economics journal produced and edited completely by undergraduate students at Illinois Wesleyan University, known as The Park Place Economist.

“It’s very rare to have an entire publication generated solely with the work of undergraduates,” said Robert Leekley, publication adviser and chair of the IWU Economics Department. “We’ve actually used it when we recruit faculty. It’s very impressive.”

Taking its name from the street that runs through Illinois Wesleyan’s campus, The Park Place Economist has been publishing for the last 15 years. Undergraduate students are responsible for gathering submissions, choosing articles, editing and proofreading and layout for the publication. The journal, published annually in print and online, acts a learning tool for the students.

“The look and feel of each year varies, depending upon the decisions of the students,” said Leekley. “But the experience students gain is the same. Working as a team and putting together the journal may be as important as anything they edit. The whole idea of the journal is to promote responsible writing, and hope the students learn the difference between what is good, and not so good research.”
