A Birthday Cake for George Washington

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Author: Ramin Ganeshram

Illustrator: Vanessa Brantley-Newton

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Press 2016

Number of pages: 28

Genre: Historical Fiction


A Birthday Cake for George Washington is a fictionalized retelling of George Washington’s kitchen slave Hercules and his family. The story takes place on George Washington’s birthday and Hercules, his daughter, and the rest of the kitchen staff are making the president a cake but run into a problem; they have no sugar. They search the kitchen and decide to use the president’s favorite condiment, honey, as a supplement.

The general plot of the book is fairly straight forward and would be a fine story if not for the ideologies presented by this story. This book has received a lot of criticism for both the way it is written and for the illustrations. Because of the breezy nature of the way Hercules’ family lives in the story, slavery is presented as an easy time for slaves where all the slaves were pleased to work for the president. The notion that there is a positive aspect of slavery is also presented through the illustrations in which all of the slaves are portrayed as smiling at almost all times. The only time the characters are not smiling is when there are no white characters present in the story.

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Both the text and the illustrations combine to create a book that ignores and erases the terrors and horrors of slavery. Because this book is a fictionalized retelling of a real slave family, it erases an important part of Hercules’s history. In this book, Hercules’s daughter often tells of how proud her father is to work for and be favored by the president. In reality, almost all slaves were oppressed and mistreated, even Hercules. Hercules’s real story is not one that should inspire hope to fair treatment of slaves because he eventually abandoned his family and escaped slavery, which goes directly against the books idyllic nature that these slaves were happy. It is possible that very few slaves could have lived a life that was not as terrible as typically depicted and rather as depicted in the story, but Hercules was not one of those slaves.

Overall, this plot of the book is not one that is inherently offensive, but the happy slave illustrations and erasure of the actual horrors of slavery leave A Birthday Cake for George Washington to have an offensive ideology.