Do you have a bike on campus? Wish you could shield it from the elements? You’re in luck! The Harriett bike storage room is about to open to students for the first time. Only about 14 bikes are expected to fit in the space, and there will be a lottery if more people are interested. For more information and to sign up, visit the Bike Committee’s website.
Water Conservation
The City of Bloomington Water Department reports that U.S. Drought Monitor continues to rate McLean County as being in a moderate drought, and declining levels in the city’s two reservoirs have triggered action. Voluntary water conservation efforts are encouraged. Read more.
Among its goals for the year, the GREENetwork has identified the need for a campus drought response plan, to determine possible actions when water conservation is mandated.
Abandoned Bike Policy
The Bike Committee has adopted a policy for identifying and dealing with abandoned bikes on campus.
Environmental Studies Senior Seminar: Creating a Sustainable Society – Community Briefings
The Environmental Studies Senior Seminar is an integrative, interdisciplinary, project-oriented capstone course required of all ES majors in their senior year. The students have worked all semester individually developing and conducting research related to an aspect of environmental sustainability–in consultation with a local community partner–and have prepared a presentation on their findings. Please feel free to attend any or all of the presentations. Light refreshments will be served.
Community Briefing #1
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library
6:05 p.m. Mackenzie Rivkin: Determining the Feasibility of Implementing a Fungiculture Program with The Peace Garden at Illinois Wesleyan University
6:25 p.m. Dana Rotz: Exploring Barriers and Solutions to Recycling Programs in Apartment Complexes in Normal, Illinois
6:45 p.m. Ian Powers: Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Permeable Paving in the City of Bloomington, Illinois
7:15 p.m. Alicia Barnett: Determining Best Practices for the Implementation of a Sustainable Bicycle Sharing Program at Illinois Wesleyan University
7:35 p.m. Jeffrey Golladay: Examining Wildlife Use of Constructed Wetlands in Central Illinois.
7:55 p.m. Genevieve Alexander: Assessing the Biodiversity and Susceptibility of Trees in Maxwell Park to Future Invasive Species Outbreaks
Community Briefing #2
Monday, December 9, 2013
1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Beckman Auditorium, Ames Library
1:05 p.m. Ellen Cornelius: Assessing the Indoor Tanning Behaviors at Illinois Wesleyan University and Lowering Students’ Risk of Skin Cancer
1:25 p.m. Carolyn Ashley: Assessing Local Food Resources and Strengthening the Regional Food System of McLean County, Illinois
1:45 p.m. Shane McGowan: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Food Composting at Illinois Wesleyan University
2:05 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. Kylin Wagner: Assessing the Feasibility and Best Outlets for Micro Level Wind Energy at Illinois Wesleyan University
2:35 p.m. Gabriel Chanez: Exploring Barriers to Recycling in Illinois Wesleyan University Fraternal Housing
2:55 p.m. Mark Hansen: Assessing Student Water Use Behaviors and Conservation in Residence Halls at Illinois Wesleyan University
America Recycles Day
Hundreds of recyclable items were dropped off at Illinois Wesleyan’s campus as part of the Mega Recycling Event for America Recycles Day on Nov. 16.
Composting Expands to the Dugout
In the 2012-13 academic year, IWU diverted 36.9 tons of food waste from going to landfills through its composting program.
Currently, food waste is collected from the Bertholf Commons, the Memorial Center kitchen, and all catering events.
Starting Wednesday, Nov. 20, IWU will expand its composting program to include post-consumer organic materials sold in the Dugout.
The expansion will place composting bins in trash areas of the Dugout, where post-consumer food waste and compostable plates and bowls are to be separated from recycling and trash items by consumers.
Please help IWU continue to make a difference by separating your compostables after eating in the Dugout!
America Recycles Day: Mega Recycling Event
Saturday, Nov. 16
8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Hansen Student Center
parking lot
IWU Wellness and the Ecology Action Center are again teaming up to offer a one-day opportunity for residents to recycle items beyond “the usual.”
Hydration Stations
Locations for free filtered water on campus are growing. In addition to hydration stations installed last year at Presser Hall and CNS, you can refill water bottles at State Farm Hall, The Ames Library, Hansen Student Center, Shirk Center and in the Dugout (by Freshens) at the Memorial Center.
Bike Racks
New, U-lock-friendly bike racks have been installed this semester alongside Shaw Hall and on the west side of State Farm Hall, part of an ongoing plan to increase available bike racks (and encourage bicycle use) on campus.
Please do not use lamp posts or handrails to secure your bike.
Watch a video on the proper way to lock your bike.
City Approves Bicycle Lanes and Sharrows
The Bloomington City Council unanimously approved bicycle connections between Illinois Wesleyan University, the downtown and the Constitution Trail, as reported by WEEK TV,The Pantagraph, and WGLT Radio.
Read a thank you to the City Council from IWU Project Analyst Michael Gorman ’10, chair of the IWU Bicycle Committee.