Earth Hour

On Saturday, March 29, from 8:30-9:30 p.m., cities around the world will participate in Earth Hour 2014. People are urged to join together to turn off their nonessential lights and equipment for one hour.

This symbolic effort is intended to raise awareness about how energy efficiency and conservation can help reduce the negative impacts of global climate change.

Bicycle Brainstorming Workshop

Do you ever wish it were easier to bike to Eastland Mall, downtown Bloomington, or anywhere else in the local community? The City of Bloomington is developing a master plan for bicycle accommodations and they want input from the IWU community!

In addition to the online feedback system, there will be a brainstorming workshop on Tuesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. at the Bloomington Police Department. Participants will be given maps to mark roads where they want to see bike lanes, Constitution Trail extensions, additional bike racks, and anything else they can think of.

Invitation to Lobby Day for Environmental Issues – April 3 in Springfield

Ellen Cornelius is a senior Environmental Studies major who is currently interning with Illinois Environmental Council and is helping to organize the following event (including helping organize transportation). See contact information below and consider attending.

Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) is holding its
Lobby day on 
Thursday, April 3 in Springfield

Hello! I’d like to tell you about an exciting opportunity for those of you passionate about environmental issues and public policy. The Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) is holding their Lobby day on Thursday, April 3 in Springfield. Lobby day is a chance for constituents to come to the Capitol and tell legislators you want your environment protected. It is the IEC’s biggest day of the year because they make the largest gains on environmental legislation.

If you want to meet legislators and experience first-hand environmental policy happening RIGHT NOW in Illinois, you should definitely go. This is an all day event, but I am sure your professors would understand you missing one class to fulfill your civic duty! Even if you do not have experience with lobbying, the IEC trains you on what to say and how to say it. The IEC will also reimburse you for transportation costs to Springfield. If we get enough students, we may take a bus down.

If you want to learn about the issues we will be lobbying for, or know more about IEC, go to this link: feel free to contact me, Ellen Cornelius (IWU Environmental Studies Intern for  Illinois Environmental Council) for more information:

This will be a fun, action-packed day where you will be able to meet so many important players in the environmental arena.

Thanks everyone!
Ellen Cornelius

Emergency Public Meeting on Mahomet Aquifer

The City of Bloomington and the Town of Normal are sponsoring an emergency public meeting:

Mahomet Aquifer Summit
Saturday, Feb. 22,  9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Uptown Station (4th floor), 11 Uptown Circle in Normal


Briefly, a local disposal company is seeking approval to operate a chemical waste storage facility near the Clinton, Ill., Landfill site, a short distance from Bloomington/Normal. If approved, large quantities of the banned toxic chemical Polychlorinated Biphenyls, commonly referred to as PCBs, will be moved to the Clinton site. One of many concerns is that this facility would sit directly over the Mahomet Aquifer which provides drinking water for over 1,000,000 people in Central Illinois. Please consider attending for any or all of the meeting. The agenda:

McLean County Mahomet Aquifer Summit

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Uptown Station

4th Floor

11 Uptown Circle

Normal, IL   61761


Moderator – Steve Carter, retired City Manager, Champaign



9:00 a.m.       Registration

9:30                Overview of the Mahomet Aquifer and Sole Source Designation Application

  • Allen Wehrman, Project Engineer, Layne Hydro


10:15              Legal Challenges

  • Joe Hooker, Assistant City Attorney, Champaign, IL

10:45              Why Do We Need to Protect Our Aquifer?

  • Remarks by Selected Local, State and Federal Elected Officials


12:00 p.m.       Lunch (provided by the Town of Normal)

12:45              Citizen Advocacy Panel…

“Next Steps?  What Can We Do?” 

  • John Marlin, Prairie Rivers Network
  • Steve Bridges, Mahomet Aquifer Alliance    
  • Angelo Capparella, John Wesley Powell Audubon Society


2:00                Closing Comments –

  • Mark Peterson, City Manager, Normal


For more information, contact Mark Peterson, Town of Normal City Manager.


Bloomington Bike Survey

The city is embarking on creating a citywide bicycle master plan. This plan will help guide the future bicycling infrastructure investments in the city. Residents of Bloomington will have three different ways to participate:

  1. Express your opinion online via the virtual town hall at  Through this forum, you can voice your opinion, see what other members of the community are proposing in terms of Biking infrastructure improvements, engage in an online conversation with other contributors, pinpoint the problem areas on the map and interact with the city staff.
  2. Fill out the paper survey:  All Bloomington residents should receive a survey in the mail along with their water bills.  Please be sure to fill those out and send them back with your water payments. Encourage your neighbors to fill them as well.  If you do not get a water bill, please Call the Public Works at 434-2225 and they will send you a copy.
  3. Attend the workshop: We encourage you to attend an interactive workshop led by the League of Illinois Bicyclists (LIB) to learn about the project and types of bikeways, and to provide more detailed input in person.
    Public Brainstorming Workshop
    March 18, 2014 7-8:30 p.m.
    Bloomington Police Station
    Osborn Room
    305 S. East St. Bloomington, IL 61701

We urge you and your neighbors to utilize one of these ways to provide the feedback. Feel free to forward this invitation to any and all interested parties that may have an interest in participating in this important process.

GREENetwork Meetings

Any faculty, staff member or student is invited to join the GREENetwork at our meetings.

This semester we will meet about every two weeks on Thursdays at 12:15 p.m., tentatively scheduled in the Titan Room, Memorial Center:

  • Feb. 13
  • Feb. 27
  • March 20
  • April 3
  • April 17

Feel free to contact a co-chair if you have any questions.

The Expo’s FREE-4-All

Don’t throw it away! Give it away!

In the tradition of Ecology Action Center’s semi-annual FREE-4-ALL, we will be creating an opportunity to give away your unwanted stuff and to take what you like – FOR FREE!

Here are the rules:

Household Items

*Knick-knacks, lamps, vases, paintings, prints etc. Items must be clean and in good condition.

*No large furniture, please.

Clothing Items

Bring in gently used adult or children’s clothing.

*Clothes should be clean and in good shape.

And the popular FREE-4-ALL Toy Giveaway! 

Bring in your gently used toys to give away to others.

*Toys should be in good shape (all parts and pieces etc.) and clean.

Please bring items that deserve a second life to the IWU Wellness Office by April 9. Please contact us with questions or if you need help with pickup, ext. 3334 or

Donated items will be available at the Illinois Sustainable Living & Wellness Expo
Saturday, April 12
9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Shirk Center

Nature Photographer Tom Ulrich

Wed, March 5, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
C101, CNS
A presentation will be given by renowned nature photographer Tom Ulrich. His work has been featured in National Geographic, National Wildlife, Time, Audubon and many other publications. Originally from Illinois, Ulrich now resides outside of Glacier National Park in Montana, but returns to Illinois each year on his photo tour. Every year he dazzles his audiences with amazing photographs, tips for photographers and humorous narration. This year’s focus will be on the nature of Florida, Glacier National Park in Montana, and South Texas, and a special feature will include photographs from his travels to Rome, Greece and Turkey. Open to all. Sponsor: John Wesley Powell Audubon