Sustainability Report

The 2014 Report on Sustainability at Illinois Wesleyan, which summarizes campus efforts during the previous academic year, is now online.

Topics include: water conservation and bottled water; energy conservation; sustainable transportation; green cleaning and other custodial practices; environmental health and safety; Peace Garden; campus building construction and renovations; campus grounds and University farms; and education, communications and outreach.

Hydration Stations

A total of 10 hydration stations have been installed on campus, continuing to improve access to filtered water and help reduce single-use water bottles.

Sodexo provided a hydration station with the renovation of the DugOut area; three of these same units were installed in the new State Farm Hall; two were installed in The Ames Library and Hansen Student Center thanks to Student Senate and Sierra Student Coalition; one was installed in the Shirk Center thanks to the Athletic Department; and in Holmes Hall, a new station was added and the three offices supporting the installation costs dropped the use of Culligan water stations in their offices.

Exploring the Nature of Illinois

Dr. Michael Jeffords and Ms. Susan Post
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
7 pm
Center for Natural Sciences (CNS) C101

Dr. Michael Jeffords and Ms Susan Post will present their explorations of the stunning landscapes of the prairies, lakesides, river bottoms, and woodlands of Illinois.  These findings were highlighted in their recently published book,Exploring Nature in Illinois: A Field Guide to the Prairie State.  Dr. Jeffords is the retired education/outreach director for the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) and was staff photographer for The Illinois Steward magazine.  Ms. Post is a retired INHS research scientist and staff writer for The Illinois Steward magazine, and author of Hiking Illinois. They are co-authors of Illinois Wilds.
Sponsored by the JWP Audubon, the IWU Biology Department, and the IWU Environmental Studies Program.


People’s Climate March

Tuesday, Sept. 30, 4 p.m.
103, State Farm Hall

Join Professor of History Tom Lutze and local high school students Nate Jahiel and Christian Prenzler, who just returned from the People’s Climate March in NYC, the largest climate march in history — 400,000 strong! They will share their first-hand experiences, share photos and videos, have discussion about the political significance of this march, and compare the People’s Climate March to other massive demonstrations since the 1960s.

Sponsor: Sierra Student Coalition, Environmental Studies, and the Center for Human Rights and Social Justice.

Bike Share Now at Ames

Much like books in a library, 10 bikes are available for checkout for 24 hours at a time at the Help@Ames desk or the Hansen Student Center Information Desk by anyone with an Illinois Wesleyan ID card, free of charge.

A few helmets are also available for checkout at the Hansen desk.

Questions about the bike share program can be directed to Michael Gorman, IWU Bike Committee Chair, at or 309-556-3262.

Campus Bicycling Survey 

As part of its review process for possible designation as a Bicycle-Friendly University, the League of American Bicyclists asks Illinois Wesleyan to distribute this survey. Any students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members who are familiar with the bicycle programs and amenities on campus are invited to participate.

In addition to its use in the League’s award decision, the input received through this survey will be included (anonymously) in a feedback report to the IWU Bike Committee.

The 2014 Bicycle Friendly University awards will be publicly announced on Campus Sustainability Day, Oct. 22.

Indoor Bike Storage

Planning to bring a bike to campus, but don’t want to keep it outside? You’re in luck! We have a limited-access indoor bike storage room on the first floor of Harriett.

Signups are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and if you’re one of the lucky few, you’ll be given a key to the room so you can park your bike inside any time, day or night, all year long.

For more information, check the signup form or contact Bike Committee Chair Michael Gorman ’10.