Access to Bus Transportation

The Sierra Student Coalition and GREENetwork have been investigating the feasibility of universal access to bus transportation for IWU students, a sustainable alternative to car-based transportation. This was also the topic of an Environmental Studies Senior Seminar paper written by Liz Kuehn ’14. Her work is posted on Digital Commons.

Energy Efficient Lighting in the Shirk Center

With Donnocker Innovation grant funding, the University has installed new energy-efficient T5 fixtures replacing the original metal halide bay fixtures in the Shirk Center Performance Gym, Practice Gym and Activity Center.

It is conservatively estimated that these fixtures will produce $6,800 in annual electrical savings.

T5 fixtures have a nearly 10-year life expectancy while the previously existing metal halide fixtures have a four-year life expectancy, which will save the University approximately $5,500 over the next 10 years.

In addition, the metal halide lamps run about 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, adding to the cooling load of the building. T5’s run only about 200 degrees Fahrenheit by comparison, potentially saving the University about $1,700 annually in cooling costs.

Read other highlights of campus initiatives in the 2014 Sustainability Report.


ISU vs. IWU Sustainability Challenge

The Illinois Green Business Association is hosting an intercollegiate sustainability challenge.

Tweet photos of green actions using the hashtag #SustainBloNo for a chance to win prizes.

Possible actions (11 actions for the 11th month) include:

1) Donate your clothes

2) Recycle

3) Post a tip or trick on a sustainability education bulletin board

4) Upcycle an item for a purpose different than its original use

5) Give a high five to a stranger or perform a random act of kindness

6) Use recycling bins on campus

7) Use CFL lightbulbs

8) Bike or walk to your destination

9) Brainstorm – think of a sustainable practice not listed. The most creative will receive a prize.

10) Pick up litter (hashtag #litterati) for exposure

11) Find and count reusable bottles vs. disposable water bottles

America Recycles Day – MEGA Recycling Event

Saturday, Nov. 15
8 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Hansen Student Center Parking Lot

One Day, One Time, One Place ‐ recycle many things at once!

– Electronics (Computers, VCRs, phones, small kitchen appliances, etc.) NO CRT (older style) TVs or monitors accepted
– Household Batteries (alkaline, watch batteries, rechargeables)
– Clothing and textiles (usable or not)
– Shoes (usable or not)
– Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)
– Plastic Garden Pots Terracycle items

And as an added bonus ‐ FREE confidental paper shredding

Residential waste only.

Learn more or volunteer.

Illinois Wesleyan Named a Bicycle Friendly University


Illinois Wesleyan received a BRONZE designation as a Bicycle-Friendly University from the League of American Bicyclists.

This application process took almost a full year and everyone on the bike committee deserves a big pat on the back for the time they put into researching everything and working to get awesome programs like the bike share and the Harriett storage space up and running.

The League is still putting together a feedback report for us, which we’ll be able to use as a roadmap for future improvements.