May – September

Sign up and join Illinois Wesleyan University’s team! If you sign up for the IWU team (by selecting Illinois Wesleyan University as your workplace) and accumulate 100 points between May 1st and the end of the day on May 15th, you are eligible to win free prizes–like free bike tune-ups donated by the three local bike shops – Bloomington Cycle & Fitness, Vitesse Cycle, and Wilson’s Cycle! Students who accumulate 100 points by that same time are also eligible to win one of five Bike BloNo memberships, which includes a free T-shirt and discounted registration at Bike BloNo events. The event goes all the way through September, though, so don’t stop peddling after IWU’s contest is over!
Points are accumulated by riding a bike. Every mile you ride counts as one point, and every day you ride at least one mile counts as 20 points. So, in theory, you can reach that 100-point threshold by riding one mile a day for five days, or four five-mile days, or three 15-mile days, or two 30-mile days, or one 80-mile day. Just about everyone can find a way to make it happen!
Last year, McLean County came in sixth in the country, per capita! Help us build on that and make it an ever bigger success!