Author Archives: Ann Aubry

Wild Utah: America’s Red Rock Wilderness

The GREENetwork and Sierra Student Coalition is sponsoring the following program:

Wild Utah: America’s Red Rock Wilderness

Presented by: Clayton Daughenbaugh

Conservation Organizer, Southern Utah Alliance Volunteer Chair, Sierra Club’s National Wildlands Committee

Friday, February 4, 2011

12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m.

Beckman Auditorium

Ames Library

McLean County Freecycle

Need to make room in your closets for all that holiday loot? Is there something you’re still looking for, but the season of giving has emptied your wallet?

McLean County Freecycle is an online exchange opportunity through the Freecycle Network, a grassroots nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) items for free in their own communities, finding ways to reuse and keep good stuff out of landfills.

Membership is free. The McLean County group is moderated by the Ecology Action Center with help from volunteers.

Recycling Awareness

The Recycling Education Committee of GREENetwork has prepared signs to build awareness about recycling — designed to quickly make people aware of what items can be placed in recycling bins, or remind them not to put recyclable items in trash bins.

These signs are available to download and post in your own campus area.

Bike Survey

Do you bike on campus? Do you want to bike on campus but something is holding you back? We want your input on the bike racks on campus, or where you would like to see more bike racks in specific locations. Students in Environmental Health are looking to increase the number of bike racks on campus and provide more convenience for bikers. Your input matters!

Reduce, Reuse …

Sodexo Campus Services now offers reusable to-go containers in the Faculty-Staff Dining Lounge. The containers are sold for $5.99, and diners receive a 25-cent discount any time they bring back a container to reuse.