Meat-Free Monday!

Join Vegetarian, Vegan, Victorious! (VVV) in their campaign for a Meat-Free Monday!

We are asking students, faculty, and staff to voluntarily opt out of meat ONE day a week!

Every time you eat a meal free of animal products, you save 2.5 lbs. of greenhouse gas emissions, 24 square feet of land, and 133 gallons of water. If you eat three meatless meals a day, that totals a massive savings of 2,737.5 lbs. of greenhouse gas, 26,280 square feet of land and 145,635 gallons of water per year, plus more.

Just ONE day of meat-free meals can make a huge difference!

Visit our Facebook group for more information on how one meat-free day helps the planet and other schools/countries that are participating:! or Daniel at for more information on the campaign or VVV.