Last Week in Japan

Konbanwa (from IL),

My last week in Japan was filled with a lot of realization, honesty, and work.

I went to Miyajima twice- two days back to back. The trip was so easy via train and ferry. Hannah and i went together the first day, and we did a lot of shopping. After some lunch, we took a ropeway up Mt. Misen. We climbed a bit more up and then made the long descent down. Hannah got down a lot quicker than I cause I was scared of falling. I am go glad I went to the top though cause I could see the ocean and the rest of the island. The following day, I went alone. It was nice to be alone, I bought some gifts for my friends. However, it was much hotter and sunnier that day and I started to not feel great so I was only there for maybe 3 hours before I decided to go back to Hiroshima. It felt nice traveling by myself, and I wasn’t even nervous, which I typically am.

We finished up some work at WFC throughout the week and we listned to two more hibakusha testimonies. Both of these testimonies were very moving. I realized that the visuals make the testimonies a lot more emotional for me. These testimonies were a bit more detailed and they required a lot of reflection for me. I am so grateful i was able to hear them though.

All of the sudden, it was time for me to leave Hiroshima. Hannah and i were on different flights and she got a ride to the airport so I was stressing about traveling alone again, especially internationally. I got on a bus in Hiroshima station, and Matthew, Malachi, and Satoko-san waved me off. That felt so surreal saying goodbye to them for the last time. I looked out the window the whole time and took in my last view of Hiroshima.

I got onto my flight easily, but i was nervous for my flight from Tokyo to LA because I only had an hour layover and the airport was so confusing last time. I got to my flight quickly and then I was on that flight for 10 hours. Landing in LA was easy-ish. I had to grab my luggage and find my terminal which was a while walk. Plus, security was a huge line. I made it to my flight on time though and next thing I knew I was in Chicago. My friend Litzy picked me up and it felt so nice to see her, but I also missed Hiroshima so much.

Even now, over a month later, I talk about it every day. I hope someday I will be able to go back because it was the best experience I have ever had.

Mata later,

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