Makiling Botanic GardensMakiling Botanic GardensEcotrailHalfway through the hikeGQ Mid-Year PresentationsNew IRRI Interns and OJTsInternational Rice Genebank FridgeInternational Rice Genebank FreezerInternational Rice GenebankCO2 ChamberIRRI!Spice Jar (Tex-Mex Restaurant)Beef TacosShuttle Bus RideVilla EscuderoVilla Escudero GatesMini WaterfallBamboo RaftingLake at Villa EscuderoSwimming PoolWater Buffalo RideFresh Coconut!Buffet AreaLunch at the WaterfallLabasin WaterfallCultural ShowTall StatuesSunset on the way back home