Hello Everyone!
This week Sam and I were placed on the general med-surg floor. On Monday (6/26), we picked a patient to focus on for the case study presentation we have to give at the end of our internship. We chose an 83-year-old, female, with Hodgkin’s lymphoma hospitalized for pneumonia. In our case study, we have to cover the history of the present illness, past medical history, genogram with family history, social data, lifestyle, developmental history, anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, lab and diagnostic findings, medical and surgical management, drug regimen information, nursing care plan, prognosis, and clinical management. To acquire all the information we needed for our case study, we performed a full head-to-toe physical assessment and asked her family questions.
On Tuesday (6/27), we continued to work on our case study in the morning. And, then in the afternoon, we watched case study presentations from the health science students at Cabrini.

Wednesday (6/28), we had off due to it being a Muslim holiday. So, Sam and I didn’t do much but we went to the gym and, ran some necessary errands.
Thursday, and Friday (6/29-6/30), Honestly, we did not do much in the hospital. We just continued to work on our case study. Friday night, we met up with Hunter (another IWU intern) in Calamba and then came back to Santo Thomas. Saturday (7/1), Hunter and Sam went to Los Banos to visit other IWU interns, but I wasn’t feeling great so I stayed back.
Overall, this week wasn’t as eventful as the previous ones, but this upcoming week we are stationed in the ER, so I hope that will give us a lot to do!
Thank you! Talk to you next week!
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