The Exotic Mundane

Hello again and welcome to my blog! Today I will be discussing more of the every day living I have here in the Philippines. Don’t worry, I still went places and had tons of interesting times (that you will be able to read later), but in the end this trip is two months long. Not every day is travelling, sometimes I go to work, go to the store, go to the cafeteria—all basic day to day things. But just because they are mundane doesn’t mean they aren’t new, interesting, and different from the way I was living back home.

For example, this is what the view outside my dorm looks like (on a bright and sunny day, of course).

It’s beautiful, and I can just look outside and boom. Back at Illinois Wesleyan, my dorm window showed me another dorm. Course, I could walk outside, but even Wesleyan didn’t have mountains and palm trees to offer.

Then let me talk about going to the store. Here’s a cute shirt I got (they are cheap and cute here! I love the style) and some tasty gyoza (no, I didn’t get the spicy one) which were pretty cool. The store is about a 15 minute walk away from IRRI, so not too far. And I can get anything I need.

But the walk to the market. Oh, that is different. There is a road that is blocked off, and it is used as a walk way instead. Here are the pictures I took on the twenty minute walk to the market:

I love rivers, I love foliage, and I love the view from the walks. I mean, it is a little hot and sweaty, but honestly? This trip has only solidified one thing for me: I am the kind of person who prefers to be sweating buckets than freezing cold. Sure, you can put on a blanket for the cold, but that hardly works with me. I need another, or maybe its not really acceptable to put on a blanket in a cold office room. But by the same logic, you could say, ‘just get a fan’ if it’s hot.

But I dunno, sweating all the time isn’t too bad for me. I don’t think I would mind living in this kind of heat. That said, I do not think I can handle the bugs very well. I would have to figure that out before figuring that I live anywhere.

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