Home Now


Title: Home Now

Author: Lesley Beake

Illustrator: Karin Littlewood

Publisher: Charlesbridge

Year: 2006

Number of Pages: 28

Tags: Animals, Culture, Emotion, Family, Fiction, Friendship, Picture Book, K-5, Taylor Krueger

Genre: Fiction Children’s Book

Analysis: This book shares the story of a girl, Sieta, who lost her mother at a very young age. She moved in with Aunty after the death of her mother, but her new home does not feel comfortable. Sieta went to the Kruger National Park with her class and fell in love with the smallest elephant, Satara. Their friendship continued to grow and led to a special bond. Sieta learned to appreciate her new life and saw the strength and care of the people of her town. She was sad she couldn’t experience this with her mother, but she knows her mother is watching with happiness.

The illustrations of this book encompass a variety of borders, colors, and depth. The images are mostly bordered by the edges of the pages. The framed illustrations allow the reader to experience the life of Sieta. The depth of the images invite the reader to look more into the emotions of the characters, and an experience into the culture of her new life. The reader seems to always be watching from afar rather than being present in the scenes. The illustrations create a window into the world of this town and the ways the people live. There are smaller illustrations that are scattered on the pages. These show a
time lapse of certain experiences of the main character, Sieta. For example, when she searches for the baby elephant, Satara, in the zoo there are multiple images showing her journey to find him. These illustrations are light-hearted and have a soft whimsical type of border.

The colors used throughout the book are very bright and vibrant. The use of the colors connect to the story and emotions of the characters. There are many bright blues, purples, and pinks seen in the illustrations of Sieta and Satara, which shows the joy of their newfound friendship. The illustrator uses thick brushstrokes throughout the book that allow soft lines that are blurred. This shows the softness of the characters and are very welcoming to the reader. The images are very unique and relate to the interesting town that Sieta moves to.

The illustrations of the characters and settings have the perceptual view of a young girl adjusting to a new home. There are depictions of Sieta playing with her parents in the past, meeting Satara the baby elephant, and finding a new love for her home. The structural view of the characters shows a representation of strength as Sieta is adjusting to her new home. The facial expressions of the characters further elaborate the feelings of the characters. Sieta is shown to be sad and unhappy when she first arrived at her new home, but once she meets Satara she is smiling depicting her newfound happiness.

This book shows the ideological issue of children who has a parent that passes away from AIDS and/or other illnesses. Sieta watched her mother get weaker and more sick as her family slowly crumbled. She had to adjust to this new home without her main support system, her mother. This gives information on a topic that might have been unknown to the reader. This book allows the reader to experience the emotions and sadness Sieta had to go through. It shows young children the story of a character and the struggles she faces on her journey to happiness.

This book is a representation of a multimodal text. There is an interaction between the text and the illustrations that help the reader fill in the gaps. The illustrations further enhance the meaning of the text and gives the reader a visual representation of the words. The text and illustrations elaborate the message of the story.

At the end of the book there is a note that further elaborates the message of the story. It gives insight on the relations of the story to children who have parents with AIDS. The note sends information to the reader that may not have been known. It spreads awareness to the readers of how the infection of AIDS impacts the lives of people and their families.

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Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry


Title: Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry

Author: Bebe Moore Campbell

Illustrator: E.B. Lewis

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Year: 2003

Number of Pages: 32

Tags: Emotion, Family, Fiction, Picture Book, K-5, Taylor Krueger

Genre: Fiction Children’s Book

Analysis: This book shares the story of a young girl, Annie, whose mother suffers from a mental illness. Some mornings Annie’s mother is happy and bakes pancakes and helps her get ready for school, but other days Annie’s mother is angry and mean. These are the days where Annie has to be a big girl and take care of herself as she knows her mother is not angry because she did something wrong. Annie has her grandmother and friends to help her get through the bad days. Even through the bad days Annie will always know that her mother loves her.

Most of the illustrations of this book take up one whole page. The images are bordered by the edges of the page. The depth and perspective of the illustrations make the reader feel as though they are part of the scenes. The reader is viewing the illustrations from different points of view because at times there is a feeling the reader is sitting right in the scene, but other times the reader is watching from afar. There are throughout the book small simple images that are present on the page that contains the text. These images elaborate parts of the detail in the text that is not directly shown in the main illustration. The illustrations allow the reader to peer through a window into the life of the main character, Annie. They also allow the reader to feel the emotions and daily struggles that Annie goes through, which creates a feeling of empathy towards Annie.

The colors used throughout the book give great insight to the feelings of the characters. For example, when Annie’s mother is happy or Annie is playing with her friends the colors are bright and cheery giving the reader a sense of happiness. When Annie’s mother is angry the colors are dark and the presence of shadows are seen giving the reader an uneasy and sad feeling. The use of dark colors represents danger and anger throughout the book.

There are numerous emotions that are shown through the facial expressions of the characters. The structure of the characters are depicted through the illustrations and add to the meaning of the text. There are times throughout the book that Annie shows the expressions of happy, frightened, sad, and content. She is perceived to be happy when her mother is making her breakfast in the morning, and then scared and sad when she comes home from school and her mother is angry at her. Annie is shown to be very large on the page when she is happy and everything in her life is going smoothly, but when her mother is angry she is small and closed off. She is drawn to be clinging to a teddy bear, which could be her source of strength through the hard times with her mother.

The illustrations and text of the book share an ideology with the reader. There are many children that deal with parents who have a mental illness, but not many children’s books display this message. This book shows the daily life a child whose parent has a mental illness; it shares the ups and downs of the constant change in emotions. The ideology of this book is very strong and creates a sense of uneasiness with the reader as no one would want a child to go through this struggle.

This book is a representation of a multimodal text as the words and illustrations interact to fill in the gaps of the reader. The text and illustrations cooperate to enhance the theme and meaning of the book. The illustrations are seen to be a visual representation of the words. There are some words throughout the book that are bolded representing the anger in the mother’s voice. This allows the reader to visualize how the mother is speaking and allow the illustration to further enhance the visualization.

There is an author’s note at the beginning of the book that shares the meaning behind the story. This book was written in order to address the fears of children who have parents that suffer from mental illnesses. The author gives insight into the symptoms and basics of mental illnesses. The reason for this children’s book is to send hope to those children in this situation. They can learn to find a coping strategy that gives them strength to persevere through the difficult times.

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Hair for Mama

Title: Hair for Mama

Author(s): Kelly Tinkham

Illustrator/Photographer: Amy Bates

Publisher and Year: Penguin Young Readers 2007

Number of pages: 32

Genre:  Non-Fiction, Family


1)    Summary:

The book is about an African American family’s mom having cancer and she loses her hair. They take family picture every year but she is uncomfortable because she has no hair. The son tries to come up with ideas to make her feel comfortable enough to take pictures with the family.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the front cover, there is an African American boy in front of a barbershop. The first picture is of the whole family pre-cancer stage for the mother. She has a head full of hair. They take family pictures every year and that was last years. Next, the mom walks her son to school with a skull cap on to hide her baldness. Half through the book, the mother head is finally shown. She did not want to take family pictures this year because she was ashamed of her head. Then, the next picture was of her trying on a wig in front of the kids which it seemed like they were having a good time. Next thing, the boy was getting his haircut and was supposed to get his regular hair but got it bald instead. He did this because he wanted to save his hair to give to his mom since he promised her hair. But the sweeper had cleaned it up and the boy was very upset. The father came in to check up on him and saw what was done to his head, the boy explained and the father wasn’t angry. The boy was sad he went home to tell his mother. I felt that she was so touch by what he was trying to do for her just so she could take a picture that she decided to take the pictures. The little boy had thought that if she had hair that meant that she was getting better.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations matched with the narrative great. The images are very touchy and unique. Its linings is very unique.

4)    Commentary:

The author explains that the book was the conversation she had with her son when she was diagnosed with cancer.

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We came to America

Title: We came to America

Author(s): Faith Ringgold

Illustrator/Photographer: Amy Bates

Publisher and Year: Random House Children’s Books 2016

Number of pages: 32

Genre:  Fiction, Family, Diversity


1)    Summary:

This book is about different cultures and races coming over to America. It talks about the past events that has happened that be littles other races. It makes others interact outside their culture.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the front cover, it is a diverse group with the red, blue, and white colors. The cover is to show diversity and acceptance in America. The first page shows Native Americans together in their culture’s clothing. The first page could be Native Americans because they were the first people to be in America. Secondly, Africans were in chains and clothing from their culture. This shows how African were brought over to America which is stated in the text. Next, it shows Europeans coming over to America by plane and boat. This show that some people traveled out there way to get to America. There’s a group of Asians running and carrying their belongings. The picture gives off the message that Asians are running away from something in their home country. Afterward, there is a picture of Indians in their clothing as a family. The author wants to give off the message of diversity. The next picture is a diverse group of people dancing and listening to a blues player. This shows that people were integrating with each other and spreading their cultures. Lastly, there a picture that has all different races and cultures having fun together. The text says that “We are ALL Americans” which throughout the book the message has been that no matter what color, religion, or culture there are all Americans.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations matched with the narrative great. The images are built in a way to be for child. It has creative art images that has appealing colors. The images gives off a happy feeling at the end that leaves the book on a good note.

4)    Commentary:

The author explains that people that come to America hopes to find peace, freedom, and prosperity. She wishes that they can make the American dream come true for them.

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Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace

Title: Paulie Pastrami Achieves World Peace

Author(s): James Proimos

Illustrator/Photographer: James Proimos

Publisher and Year: Little Brown Books for Young Readers 2009

Number of pages: 40

Genre: Fiction, Family


1)    Summary:

Paulie Pastrami is a seven year old boy who dreams to spread world peace by the time he turns eight. The story shows Paulie’s flaws like not wearing matching socks and not knowing how to whistle. But he continues to do good acts throughout his neighborhood, school, and local businesses to spread world peace.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the first page, there is a picture of Paulie eating a whole pizza, racing a cat named tiger, and his aunt giving him kisses. These pictures were to show his flaws and to be funny. The text states Paulie being a tiger in a when the cat is actually named tiger. Also, the text says Paulie was kissed by a girl when it was really his aunt. The next picture depicts Paulie who tries to whistle. This picture is for laughs because the kid head is almost as big as his body which kids will probably find funny. After, there’s a picture of Paulie’s feet with mismatch socks. This was to show how Paulie had flaws and to be goofy for kids. The next picture shows how Paulie had all the equipment for hockey but he was still picked last. This page gives off some kind of sadness and wants the reader to wonder how Paulie, out of all people, would achieve world peace. Next, Paulie is depicted watering a flower and reading to a tree. This is to show Paulie sweet and caring side. Thereafter, Paulie is on the ground next to a river looking at the fishes and ducks swim past. This shows that he loves nature and appreciates it. Afterwards, Paulie is apologizing to his and she is not accepting then the next pages she appears with a doll that looks like her. This shows that Paulie is apologetic and was willing to do anything to make up the mistake to his sister. Then Paulie begin to pass out cupcakes to sad people around his school, they would be happy after that. This showed how Paulie wanted to change others mood for the better. Lastly, Paulie goes around to neighborhood businesses that is named world and passes cupcakes to people. This shows how Paulie is considered to save the world in a fun imaginary cute way for the children.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations matched with the narrative greatly. There were some ways it had conflicts but it fit the story well.

4)    Commentary:

The author explains Paulie always wanted world peace and was very big on cupcakes so he decided to bring them together for the book.

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Visiting Day

Title: Visiting Day

Author(s): Jacqueline Woodson

Illustrator/Photographer: James E. Ransome

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Press2002

Number of pages: 32

Genre: Fiction, Family, Diversity


1)    Summary:

The story is about a young African American girl that lives with her grandmother because her dad is incarcerated, and she is visiting him. The story takes place in her eyes which is the plans they have to do when they are visiting him. For example, the grandmother cooks a meal then they get on a bus to go visit him.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the cover, it’s the dad and the little girl hugging each other and smiling. The first picture is the grandmother cooking food. This could be showing how grandmothers are known to cook great food out of everyone in the family. Next, the little girl is lying in bed smiling relaxed with all these bright colors in her room to represent how happy she is about this day. After that, the grandmother is doing the little girl’s hair in nice clothing. I think this shows that they are getting ready to go somewhere and they want to make sure they look nice. There are pictures in the background to maybe show how family oriented they are. Then, it’s a picture of the dad with another person in the background. They both are wearing a tan jump suit. The background showed drawing that the daughter made and a calendar with the dates crossed out. This hinted to me that the father was in prison. Next, there’s a group of people waiting to get on the charter bus to go somewhere. Afterwards, the little girl was seated and was getting food from a lady behind her. Everyone is happy on the bus like they are going to happy which is kind of ironic. The bus then pulls in front of a big building with barbed wire on top of it. That for sure told me that they were at a prison. Eventually, the girl and her grandmother sat and smiled with her father. There were other inmates enjoying their visits too. I think I could why people were smiling on the bus. But I would think that some people would find it hard to visit their loved ones in jail. Futhermore, it must have been time to go because grandma was guiding the child away while the inmates were walking back to their cells. On the side stood a white guard with a mean mug. I believe this book represents how a lot of African American homes are that don’t have fathers or mothers in it. Lastly, the little girl is making pictures to send to her dad until the grandmother gets her ready for bad.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations matched great with the narrative. I believe that just the illustrations themselves would have been enough to understand what was happening. I would say the text and the narrative matched.

4)    Commentary

The author explains how when she was little her uncle was arrested and she didn’t care what he was arrested for. Her grandmother would take her to go see him and she wanted to dedicate this book to the both of them.

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Oh, Brother!


Title: Oh, Brother!

Author(s): Nikki Grimes

Illustrator/Photographer: Mike Benny

Publisher and Year: Greenwillow Books 2007

Number of pages: 32

Genre: Fiction, Family

1)    Summary:

Xavier’s mom marries Chris’s stepdad, Xavier does not like Chris because he acts like a perfect child and believes he is out to steal his mother. Chris and Xavier learn to get along and eventually like each other. They even have to add a new member to the family.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the cover, Chris and Xavier are standing back to back smirking and looking at each other. They are outside with a nice sunny day with a big green leafy tree. This shows that they are keeping an eye on each other or they actually like each other. There is a picture of the family leaving the church from getting married, everyone is happy except Xavier. He is looking at Chris with eyes of envy. Xavier does not seem to be happy about Chris being in the family. The next picture shows Xavier on a pizza in space by himself while the rest of the family is on a different one. This shows that Xavier may feel left out or alone. Also, There’s a picture in which Xavier is shrunken to ant size while there are 2 pairs of feet(male) looking like they are about to stomp. This shows that he may feel there isn’t any space for him which is what the text basically says. Also, there is a picture of Chris getting a book read to him by his father smiling at Xavier. This picture almost looks like it’s meant to mock Xavier. Next, there’s a picture of Chris with a robe on with the back being held up by the mom and dad, he even has a halo over his head. This depicts that Chris is an angel or royalty in the parents’ eyes. Chris is sleeping in bed with a mother like woman that is pale. She is supposed to be in his dream which could be told by the picture. It shows that maybe his mom was never around. After that, Xavier seems to be on the phone looking at a picture of his father. Those pictures were after each other to show the background information about their other parent. Then the boys are depicted to be having a pillow fight. This is to show that they are starting to get along. Then Chris and Xavier is hold their new sister while the mother is looking at them. Everyone is happy and the background is pink. The picture is to show that they were all becoming a happy family while the bright colors show off a happy emotion.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations matched great with the narrative. I felt that I wouldn’t have understood the pictures if it wasn’t for the text. The pictures really fit the text great.

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Bad News for Outlaws: The remarkable life of Bass Reveves.

Title: Bad News for Outlaws: The Remarkable Life of Bass Reeves, Deputy U. S. Marshal

Author(s): Vaunda Micheaux

Illustrator/Photographer: R. Christie

Publisher and Year: Carolrhoda Books 2009

Number of pages: 40

Genre: Adventure, Non-Fiction


1)    Summary:

The reading went over Bass Reeves, a U.S. marshal, life and how he became such a feared lawman. It discussed the ways and techniques he came up with to capture the outlaws. The text talked about how a former slave was turned into one of the best lawmen.

2)    Theoretical Framework:

On the cover there is a huge image of an African American wearing only black and white clothing. The whole front page is black and white. The pages has an old western theme to them. Bass is on a horse chasing a man with a gun. It’s a hole in Bass’s hat that he is wearing and he is getting ready to shoot his gun. The background is a blue sky. It seems to be a big group of diverse men sitting around having a good time. They have cowboy hats. There’s a boy in the woods that looks like he’s running away from something. It seems to be a Native American teaching Bass something about corn. Bass look to be sleeping in the middle of a desert, while someone is cooking and preparing a camp site. It shows Bass capturing three Caucasian people. Then he caught two more prisoners while there’s an old lady behind looking upset. Bass looks to be in a sneaky farmer disguise while trying to capture a group of bandits. While resting there was a skunk by him and the others just watched. It shows a picture of a white woman behind bars but it almost looks like Bass was behind them. Bass is carrying a body while riding a horse that was attempted to be hung. There was nothing but white people in the crowd watching the hanging. It gave us a huge picture of Bass and his son. There are tons of people mourning the death of Bass.

It was ironic to see that a black guy being a lawman in the old west days. The book even discussed that a lot of white people didn’t like to see such a powerful African American. I believe this book because they wanted to inform others about Bass’s life and the things he had to overcome.

3)    Illustrations:

The illustrations never show a negative aspect. Except when he was depicted as a slave. The background is a pretty blue sky for the most part. The background was a dark and in the woods type of surrounding.

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Don’t Throw it to Mo


Title: On Noah’s Ark

Author(s): Jan Brett

Illustrator/Photographer: Jan Brett

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Inc. 2003

Number of pages: 32

Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction

1)      Summary:

A kid’s grandfather, Noah, built an ark for their family and a pair of each animal. He suspected that there was going to be a storm and flood the land, he was right. The animals crammed together for 40 days until the rain was over. Then they were released to find their new homes.

2)      Theoretical Framework:

The sky is covered in dark clouds like it’s a bout to storm. There is big carriers of food. Also there are two pairs of each animal (e.g. bear, rabbit, sloth, tiger, elephant, deer, etc.). The animals are crammed in a tight space. There is a huge boat the animals are getting on. There are a bunch of color birds. The ark is in the middle of water while it rains. You can see the mountain peaks. The animals are sleeping and running into each other. They are all tangled up together. The kid helps untangle them and falls asleep on a lion. The kid notices that the rain is stopping and the sky is clearing up. There is big dove with a green leaf, with a clear sky in the background. The ark is on land, then the animals get off and scatter. Some stayed with the kid and his Noah. Then Noah starts to plant for food, while a rainbow appears over the sky that’s still clearing up. The boy is playing with a dove.

The kid is represented to helpful and very caring. The child seems to be so innocent. The animals are in tune to what is going on. The animals are in pairs to keep their species alive. The animals and the kid are innocent together. Noah is represented to be an old wise man with farmer skills.

The boy is actual helpful because he’s making sure the animals is comfortable as can be. The author made it sunny at the end to make it seem like things are getting better. Then the scatter of animals are giving them their freedom back.

The image has a boarder that gives an outside glimpse of the image. When the kid is on off the ark before he’s on the left side but when he’s on the ark he on the right side of the pages. I would think it would be switched around. There’s a lot of colorful birds when they are on the boat which these animals are the most free.

3)      Illustrations:

Most of the images are of the animals. There are images of the kid taking care of the animals and making them comfortable. The images are full of color. There are illustrations on the side of the pages that consist of other animals.

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On Noah’s Ark

Title: On Noah’s Ark

Author(s): Jan Brett

Illustrator/Photographer: Jan Brett

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Inc. 2003

Number of pages: 32

Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction


1)      Summary:

A kid’s grandfather, Noah, built an ark for their family and a pair of each animal. He suspected that there was going to be a storm and flood the land, he was right. The animals crammed together for 40 days until the rain was over. Then they were released to find their new homes.

2)      Theoretical Framework:

The sky is covered in dark clouds like it’s a bout to storm. There is big carriers of food. Also there are two pairs of each animal (e.g. bear, rabbit, sloth, tiger, elephant, deer, etc.). The animals are crammed in a tight space. There is a huge boat the animals are getting on. There are a bunch of color birds. The ark is in the middle of water while it rains. You can see the mountain peaks. The animals are sleeping and running into each other. They are all tangled up together. The kid helps untangle them and falls asleep on a lion. The kid notices that the rain is stopping and the sky is clearing up. There is big dove with a green leaf, with a clear sky in the background. The ark is on land, then the animals get off and scatter. Some stayed with the kid and his Noah. Then Noah starts to plant for food, while a rainbow appears over the sky that’s still clearing up. The boy is playing with a dove.

The kid is represented to helpful and very caring. The child seems to be so innocent. The animals are in tune to what is going on. The animals are in pairs to keep their species alive. The animals and the kid are innocent together. Noah is represented to be an old wise man with farmer skills.

The boy is actual helpful because he’s making sure the animals is comfortable as can be. The author made it sunny at the end to make it seem like things are getting better. Then the scatter of animals are giving them their freedom back.

The image has a boarder that gives an outside glimpse of the image. When the kid is on off the ark before he’s on the left side but when he’s on the ark he on the right side of the pages. I would think it would be switched around. There’s a lot of colorful birds when they are on the boat which these animals are the most free.

3)      Illustrations:

Most of the images are of the animals. There are images of the kid taking care of the animals and making them comfortable. The images are full of color. There are illustrations on the side of the pages that consist of other animals.


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