Ania Bui ’18

Charged with designing an academic textbook cover, Ania Bui ’18 found inspiration beneath a soaring net hoisted in the air and illuminated by vibrant lights at the 2016 Adobe MAX Conference in San Diego, California.


Ania Bui ’18 holds Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices for which she designed the cover.

Read the full article on IWU’s webpage here.

Congratulations, Ania!

Brock Taylor ’18

Biology major Brock Taylor ’18 of Mattoon, Illinois, has been named a 2017 Student Laureate by The Lincoln Academy of Illinois.The Lincoln Academy’s Student Laureate Awards are presented for excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities to seniors from each of the state’s four-year, degree-granting colleges and universities, and one student from the community colleges in Illinois.


Illinois Wesleyan Professor of Biology William Jaeckle joined 2017 Student Laureate Brock Taylor ’18 at the Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Convocation.

Read the full article on IWU’s webpage here.

Congratulations, Brock!

Savanna Steck ’18

A $500 grant earned by Illinois Wesleyan University student Savanna Steck ’18 will enable YWCA McLean County to serve healthier food to more than 330 children throughout the school year.

Melissa Breeden (L), senior director of YWCA Young Wonders, and Savanna Steck ’18 (R) collaborated on a $500 grant proposal which will enable the YWCA to purchase an industrial sink and faucet.

Find the entire article about Savanna’s work with the YWCA on IWU’s webpage here.

Congratulations, Savanna!

Homecoming 2017 – Titan Adventures in Asia

As a part of Homecoming 2017’s Back to College Classes, Professor Teddy Amoloza spoke about the IWU Freeman Asia Internship Program that has sent 77 students to Asia since summer 2015. Seven of the 34 interns who interned in Asia in summer 2017 shared their insights about what they described as a life-changing experience. These student presenters included: Laurence Henderson ’18, Ojaswee Shrestha ’18, Randi Wilson ’18, Christina Fitsalos ’19, Sean O’Carroll ’18, Olivia Heffernan ’18, and Linh Le ’19. The presentation, entitled “Titan Adventures in Asia”, may be viewed below.

Titan Adventures in Asia from IWU Video on Vimeo.

Check out their blogs at: .

Homecoming Veteran’s Service 2017

As IWU celebrates Titans Around the World at Homecoming this weekend, we will also honor our alumni who served worldwide as veterans and first-responders, including Captain Ryan A. Beaupre ’95. We will remember Ryan and all veterans and first-responders who have given their lives in the service of others and our country. Presenting the colors will be American Legion Color Guard Post 635 Normal and Post 56 from Bloomington. The ceremony will take place this Saturday, October 14th at 12:45 p.m., prior to the Homecoming Football game at Tucci Stadium and will include the National Anthem sung by Wayne Messmer ’72.  Classmates and friends can view the ceremony on streaming video live at

Robby Kuntz ’18

Ryan Donlin ’17, Robby Kuntz ’18 and Braden Poole ’16 are members of the band, The Red Scarves. This Chicago based pop-rock band formed at IWU, and credit their jazz and classical music studies as key to creating their songs. They recently performed here in Bloomington on Sept. 30. You can read more about it here

Freeman Asia Interns

A record 34 Illinois Wesleyan students will intern at 14 sites in Asia, supported by a Freeman Foundation grant covering airfare, housing, a living allowance, and all internship placement and visa costs.

Click here for a link to the entire article.

Study Abroad Photo Contest Winners

Sean O’Carroll ’18 and Zoe Bouras ’18 both won awards for their pictures in the Study Abroad Photo Contest.

Sean O’Carroll’s ’18 stunning photo of a Saharan camel trek won the Judge’s Choice award.

“Snowdon Whiteout” by Zoe Bouras ’18 won the award in both the “People’s Choice” and “Road Less Traveled” categories.

Click here for a link to the entire article.

Vianey Salazar ’18

Vianey Salazar ’18 crafts the Queen’s throne in Shaw Hall. The class made all the props for the production of Cinderella in addition to creating more than 20 puppets and the scenic backdrops. (Photo by Robert Frank III ’14)