Young Alumni Challenge

correct  Reach 5,286 Donors by July 31st!

A trustee has agreed to make a
$2,500 gift for every young alumni
class (1999-2014) who reaches 24%
or better before July 31.

This means that for every class that
hits 24%, IWU will be able to award
an additional $2,500 scholarship to
a deserving student.

Also, an additional $2,500 gift will be made for any class
that reaches 30%!

All In for Wesleyan Becomes a Tradition in 2015


I'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014

On April 9, Titans of all generations pulled together and showed their pride on the third annual All In For Wesleyan. More than 1,800 gifts of all sizes from 49 states and 17 countries totaled over $500,000 in support of Illinois Wesleyan University and our students. Our collective philanthropy served as an inspiration to the next generation as All In For Wesleyan firmly established itself as an Illinois Wesleyan tradition, both on campus and off. The class of 2000 had 52 donors on April 9th and donations totaling $7,008.33.

Thank you 2000 Alumni for being “all in” all the time, and for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. If you have already made your gift this year, thank you! If you have not made your gift this year, I hope that you will join me as a donor and put us one more gift closer to our participation goal. You can make your gift by visiting It is your support that keeps Illinois Wesleyan strong, and develops the next generation of leaders.


Your partner in support,
Van Miller ‘04
Director of Annual Giving

Homecoming Reunion Committee Needed!

What would you like our class of 2000 reunion to look like?

We want to make sure this reunion is special and would love to have a committee to plan a few activities just for the Class of ‘00. Last year the Class of ’94 had a Reunion Kickoff at A. Renee on Friday night. The Class of ’79 had a Kickoff at Maguire’s on Friday with a tailgate on Saturday.

We’re open to your suggestions, but whatever is chosen will be printed in the Homecoming brochure. We send the brochure to print on June 1 so decisions need to be made soon!

Contact me with your ideas!

Kimberly Buikema ’00 married Peter Readman

Kimberly and Peter met in London, where she lived for 10 years. They were married August 10, 2014 after moving to the states in June.

The wedding was held at the South Branch Tavern & Grille in Chicago which is coincidentally owned by three Alumni!

kimberly buikema '00Members of photo from Left to Right:
Kate Siepert – Class of 2000, Meg (Cummings) Galus – Class of 2000, Kate Lawson – Class of 2000, Gabrielle Rysula – Class of 2000
David Zeglis – Class of 1972, Cindy (Snyder) Zeglis – Class of 1973,
Groom – Peter Readman, Bride – Kimberly Buikema – Class of 2000, Miranda Crispin – Class of 2000, Jessica (Bicknell) Cincotta – Class of 2000, Sharon Chung – Class of 2000, Allison Baker – Class of 2000, Martha (Dixon) Cavalieri – Class of 2000, Mike Cavalieri – Class of 1999

Director of Alumni Relations

We are pleased to announce Adriane Powell as the Director of Alumni Relations. Adriane PowellAdriane has been an adopted Titan since 2010, and has lived in the Bloomington-Normal community for over 30 years. She loves to meet IWU alumni where they live, work, and play. Adriane has experience working with a diverse group of IWU alumni and is looking forward to continuing to connect with Titans all over the world!