Brian Udovich ’98 New Father

Tarin, Sasha, and I are proud to welcome Croil Duncan Udovich to our family.

Croil is named after his maternal grandfather (Tarin’s father) Croil Anderson.  The Croil name has been passed down for generations and we are honored to bring the Croil family and the Udovich family together with this special child.
Croil was born October 2nd at 11:07 PM.  Tarin was amazing in delivering a 9 pound 15 ounce child… yes, I know that’s all my fault.  Both mom and baby are perfectly healthy and resting.

Shannen R. Root Chin ’98

My husband, Michael Chin, and I welcomed our daughter, Rosalise Belle Scott Chin, into our family on Saturday, July 21 at 1:45 p.m. Despite being six weeks early, she is doing exceptionally well!  Her big brother Samuel has been exceptionally loving and a big help!  We are so blessed to have her join our family.

As for a professional update, I just celebrated my two year anniversary with Kolcraft, a juvenile products company. I am in the role of Sr. Marketing Manager for all baby carriers and strollers under the Jeep, Kolcraft, Contours and Major League Baseball brands. Being a parent of two makes my job especially fun!