Doug and Diane’s ’87 (deceased 1998) son Ryan graduated from IWU on May 4, 2014. Here is a photo of Doug and Ryan.
Author Archives: jmacklin
Lisa (Alford) and Rob Roy ’82
Michael Rotz ’85
Lisa (Chamberlin) and Richard Bakewell ’87
Carol (Carney) Fletcher ’80
Jody (Meents) Munsterman ’82
John ’84 and Carla (Livingston) ’83 Olson
James Pavich ’85
James celebrated his daughter Katherine’s graduation from IWU on May 4, 2014 with another daughter and Titan graduate, Meagan ’12!
Doug Zimmer ’86
Rhys Lovell ’87
IWU talent fills the cast and crew of Prairie Fire Theatre’s “Who Stole B-Flat?” including Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Robert Mangialardi; students Megan Callison ’16, Rebecca Buechel ’15, Sean Leeds ’15 and Jacklyn Klimczak ’15; and alumni Jeannie Breitweiser ’72, Nancy Brokaw ’71 and Rhys Lovell ’87.