I hope this finds all of you well. This can be a scary time for all of us but I thought I would touch base to see what you are doing so…
Hey, everyone! It is time to catch up! Since we are all ‘safe at home’ or ‘sheltering in place’ I believe we all have time to share our latest news with your classmates. Or simply let us know what you are doing during this unusual moment (or months) in time!
My first reaction to this entire experience is that I cannot believe the rebels of the sixties are just staying home watching Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or whatever. That’s what we are doing, however, because that is what we need to do.
I admit that I have a set of CD’s from the Chicago White Sox World Series in 2005 that I have been viewing. I still smile when I revisit that wonderful year of baseball. John, on the other hand, rereads his “One Goal” books from the Chicago Blackhawks’ thrilling years of hockey in 2010, 2013 and 2015.What are you watching? Reading?
We also take walks up here in Ephraim, WI. This is a beautiful area in Door County. We are bounded by Lake Michigan and Green Bay. It is beautiful during all seasons! It can be a bit chilly this time of year, but I also knit a few hats and mittens so we are good to go! Look out. It this goes on much longer you may receive a pair of hand knit socks from me some day.
Oh, and I also made masks for some of the residents up here to help keep everyone safe.
Once again, I hope this finds all of you well. If everything works out perhaps we will see you at IWU next Homecoming! Until then, send news and stay safe.
Jill Wyatt Dew ’68