Dr. Charles D. Hawker ’62


 Charles_D_Hawker 1962

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) presented one of its major awards to Charles D. Hawker, PhD, of Salt Lake Cityat its annual meeting.

Dr. Hawker received the Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine for his noteworthy career.

Dr. Hawker is the scientific director for automation and special projects at ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City, where he has worked for 22 years. He is also adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah School of Medicine. The systems he implemented at ARUP Laboratories have made it the most automated clinical laboratory in North America and a leader in productivity and quality.

Dr. Hawker developed one of the first radioimmunoassays for parathyroid hormone in 1971. He published the first reports about a peptide known as procalcitonin that when elevated can be a marker of septic shock.

He has served his profession in many capacities, including as president of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, Association of Clinical Scientists, and Clinical Ligand Assay Society. His activities with the AACC include serving as secretary of the Management Sciences and Patient Safety Division. He has volunteered on many committees of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. He holds three patents and has published 43 peer-reviewed papers, 14 book chapters or invited reviews, and 47 abstracts.

About AACC

AACC is a Washington-D.C.-based nonprofit professional association with a membership of more than 9,000 clinical chemists, pathologists, medical technologists, and others in related fields. Through educational services and publications, AACC works to improve and advance clinical laboratory services to enhance public health and patient care.

Dr. Alan Beeler ’61

Retired Professor of Music at Eastern Kentucky University, Dr. Alan Beeler [IWU, Class of ’61] is pleased to announce the relaese of his second CD of orchestral works coming this October on Navona 5976. The collection of works includes his 1st and 4th Symphonies, Clarinet Concerto, Violin Concerto and two Marimba Concertos plus other short pieces in an album titled ‘The Real Beeler’.

Congrats on the upcoming cd release, Alan!

Alums Top Titan Fiscal Goals!

Donors responded firmly in the closing days of fiscal 2014 with the largest number of contributors in ten years. Over 5000 gifts were made, setting a percentage of participation increase for a second consecutive year. That is a strong and promising message of support to the current and future students and their academic plans. Thanks for being there!
Frank Wanto ’63

NCHS-IWU Grads Attend 50th NCHS Reunion


Louis Anderson ’68 served as emcee for the 50th reunion for Normal Community High School class of 1964.  Several members of the class also graduated from IWU.  They posed for a photo along with spouses who also graduated from IWU!  Super looking group, isn’t it?

John Dew, Jill Wyatt Dew, Louis Anderson, Jodi Wolfgang Hostetler, Jim Hostetler, Sheri Salch, Beth Kelly

John Dew’68, Jill Wyatt Dew’68, Louis Anderson’68, Jodi Wolfgang Hostetler’67, Jim Hostetler’68, Sherry Salch Gatz’68, Beth Kelley Schneider’68

Sharon (White) Yamamoto ’69 – Art Awards and Information

Sharon opened her own gallery in Miami Beach in 2001.  That year she was awarded the Best in Show prize at Art Fest, Ft Lauderdale, Florida.  Sharon was the first prize winner at the 2004 DeMontfort New Artist Competition.  She is represented in the USA by the Baxter Galleries.  You can read more about Sharon and her work at this site:


