Bruce Borton ’69

Before retiring from Binghamton, N.Y., University this spring, Bruce Borton (’69) conducted his final concert for the University Chorus. He has been Binghamton’s director of choral activities since 1988 while teaching undergraduate and graduate conducting and choral techniques, choral arranging, and voice, as well as directing the master of music in choral conducting program. He also chaired the music department for six years. Previously, Bruce taught at West Georgia College near Atlanta and spent 14 seasons with the Atlanta Symphony Chorus as a member and conducting assistant for his service on the Tri-Cities Opera borad and as artistic director of the Madrigal Choir of Binghamton; he was selected by the Broome County Arts Council to receive its annual “Heart of the Arts” award.

Emily Stedman ’69

Romancing Northampton, a collection by Emily Stedman ’69, is being featured at Historic Northampton Museum. The image above is a painting from her collection.
“Romancing Northampton explores our longing for a sense of continuity with our past.  New York City artist Emily Stedman has created a series of watercolor paintings based on archival photos from Historic Northampton’s collection. Through the use of transparent watercolor on paper, Stedman interprets these photos and creates lively, optimistic, and colorful visual stories. Looking at the past gives a much-needed context, direction and perspective on who we are and where we come from. In our dreams we are momentarily on our bicycles, wherever we grew up, and doing whatever it was we loved doing. In our minds’ eye, Grandma sat and knitted while kittens played with her yarn, kids wandered and explored outside for hours and chores were a part of life.”
You can read more about Emily’s work on her website:
Opening Reception: Friday, February 10th Arts Night Out 5 to 8 pm
Exhibition Dates: February 10-March 5, 2017
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday – Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Sundays 12 noon to 5 pm
Venue: Historic Northampton Museum
 46 Bridge Street
 Northampton, MA

Marilea White ’63

As she celebrated the Martin Luther King Day of Service, Marilea White ’63 recalled marching with King in Atlanta in 1961 while helping children at Bent Elementary in Bloomington with arts and crafts on their Martin Luther King Day of Service.

Click here for a link to the entire article.