Linda (Tabala) Cummens ’65: 50th Reunion Memories

Linda Cummens has shared her memories with you after graduating from IWU:

“I am interested in knowing what is going on with alumni, but we would not travel to the reunion since neither of us has truly retired. I married John Cummens ’65 and he still does consulting and works as a business manager for the Eugene Opera as a volunteer trying to keep it afloat.

I write mysteries, Haiku and kids and young adult novels and still volunteer teach on occasion. I still haven’t found an agent . . . and that is nearly a full time job along with constant writing.

I also take photos at opera events and play bass recorder in three musical groups. We do free gigs.

Recently we had robbers break into the house and take a couple hundred artworks in a systematic way. They packed cabinets and book shelves like movers apparently to empty the house (thought we were on vacation) so it is a challenge to put things back together. We are missing important book collections, cameras, photos and antique books etc. And how I miss my MAC laptop and backup. The robbers are professionals who have spotters and people who watch to warn them if the owners return. They are also armed and were still in our house when we returned. Someone told us they are gang members. We were only out for the day, but obviously they thought we were on vacation. Our house is armed on a wired system now. We tried the non-wired system, but it failed three times. I wish we could warn people about what happened with “Trust in God, but tie up your camel,” as an old Arab saying goes. Boards in the sliding doors nearly stopped them until they were able to rip the metal hinge loose and warp the frame to lift the sliding door over the one inch high section of wood to get inside.”

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