DAVE KINDRED ’63 The Spirit of Sport

The first interest I turned to the year I retired was the bookshelf that held my stash of sports books compiled over four decades of inattention. The plan was to start with the most recent editions and read through dozens of volumes back to 1955. That process of selection meant the GLOVE STORIES (2002) would be the first to read.

Following our 2013 Fiftieth Reunion at IWU, I pulled it off the shelf again. Likewise, I reread his columns from The SPORTING NEWS magazine which were salvaged from the recycle bin. Throughout his 32 year career, Dave,a former Titan second baseman, wrote award winning material about some of the most celebrated sports personalities and events of the 20th Century. In addition to being named a National Sportswriter Of The Year he has received dozens of journalism honors from nationally recognized sources.

But his most gifted writing talent is always just sharing the purest and simplest love of sport as experienced by the common ordinary fan found in what my wife describes as “the fifty cents seats.” Years from now GLOVE STORIES will be one of the half-dozen of my sporting books one will find on my son’s bookshelf. His work will surely inspire young players, fans and writers of future generations.

Frank Wanto ’63

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