Linda Bates ’67 Shares Her CD

Linda Bates, a drama major from the class of ’67 writes

“After studying acting at Wesleyan I went on to a career in journalism, something I never planned but just stumbled upon.  I retired in 2010, a good time to leave the newspaper business, known politely as a “sunset industry.”  Since high school I had always enjoyed singing and performing and after retirement I was able to devote more time to this hobby.  Last year I realized my dream of recording a CD spanning the years and styles of music I’ve done, accompanied by friends whom I played with over the years.  The CD is called Just Friends and was recorded and engineered by Brad Turner, one of Canada’s (where I now live) top musicians.  Anyone interested can listen to a track or download a track at

I enjoyed listening to the CD.  Thanks for sharing, Linda

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About jdew

Hi. I am Jill Wyatt Dew'68. I am "retired". I balance my time between volunteering and enjoying 4 grandchildren! Both roles keep me quite busy!

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