James Dorsey ’68 retires at 70

Jim writes “To paraphrase Jerry Garcia, ‘what a long, fun trip it’s been,’ but I don’t want to work forever and 70 seems like a good place to stop.  So, May 1 I retired from IHS after 10 years of spreading the wisdom of some very smart economists.  From my first days as a reporter at United Press International in Chicago in 1968 I’ve been fortunate to have jobs that put me in the thick of interesting times and interesting people as journalist, press secretary (Gov Michael Dukakis and Congressman Barney Frank), corporate communications executive (Bank of New England, Shawmut, and Citizens Financial Group), media relations director (Global Insight, later IHS).  I’m looking forward to a life of setting my own schedule, volunteering, enjoying sunny days from the other side of the window, traveling with Wendy, and open water swimming, including my favorite – the 15th or 16th – swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco.”

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About jdew

Hi. I am Jill Wyatt Dew'68. I am "retired". I balance my time between volunteering and enjoying 4 grandchildren! Both roles keep me quite busy!

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