David Steindorf ’61

Greetings Classmates! So, what do you think of the new online Class of 1961 Newsletter? Are you as impressed as I am? I love the fact that we now have so many different ways to stay in touch with our alma mater. We of course have the Class of 1961 Newsletter, but we also have the IWU Magazine, the regular Campus Newsletter, the IWU Facebook site, and other social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and many others. The only problem with all of this progress is that, in my view, there is no longer a need for a Class of 1961 Newsletter Editor, a position which I have held since longer than my memory allows. I say this because the office that publishes the online newsletter to Titan Pride is obviously in close proximity to, and in direct contact with what’s happening at IWU. In addition, it has been well over a year since I received any updates from alumni. These are appropriately going directly to the IWU Alumni Office. Take a look on Titan Pride and you’ll see that the last newsletter published is quite outdated (I hope the Alumni Office removes it as it’s a bit embarrassing for it to be that old and still be there). It’s not that I’m simply riding off into the sunset. I will occasionally be contributing my own personal updates to our online Newsletter and I hope all of you will do the same. Meanwhile, I will have plenty to do with my very busy clinical practice in psychology and my position as an adjunct professor of human development and psychology for the State University of New York. So, here’s wishing all of my fellow classmates a great 2014; perhaps we’ll run into each other at this year’s Homecoming in the fall. Peace out… David Steindorf Class of 1961 Newsletter Editor Emeritus

david steindorf

4 thoughts on “David Steindorf ’61

  1. Thank you for all of your effort for so many years. Life is busy enough without duplication. Thanks.

    Sally Stiller Nunemaker

  2. David,

    Good to see your name pop up — thanks for all of your years of serving us — our class has not been the most forthcoming or generous — we do appreciate all that you have done.
    I was in Florida for 3 days last week with Bill and Collette –got news from Dick Hood that “Sweats ” Lofgren died. Don’t like getting that kind of news.

    See you at Homecomng!

    In Hoc,


  3. Hey Dennie!

    Great hearing from you! I’m on my way to Tucson next week where I’ll be soaking up some sun for a month, and then it’s back to work. Thank god I love my work 🙂
    I hope Bill and Collette are doing well, but sorry to learn about Sweats. Getting old is no fun in some ways, especially losing friends and family. You’re right about our class of 61. I would have hung in there with the Newsletter a bit longer but people no longer stay in touch. Too bad.
    Anyway, thanks for the note! Think spring 🙂

    In Hoc…

  4. I am one of many (I suspect) who have missed our hardcopy newsletter, which I always read thoroughly. In fact, because of its conversational tone and an equally enjoyable one from Anne Sokan ’59 to my husband, we have been consistent (if not huge) donors to IWU for 50 years. I truly doubt if we would have been quite as consistent without you and Ann. Frankly, I don’t even open Wesleyan’s e-mails.

    Judith Miley

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