Gilbert Stuenkel ’67

We are saddened to report Gilbert passed away Friday, November 4th. Gilbert was a successful journalist after IWU. To read Gilbert’s obituary please click here.

One thought on “Gilbert Stuenkel ’67

  1. Gil, or as he was known at Magill Hall “Jan” was a good friend and a wonderful guy. His quirky sense of humor was exemplified by his coining of the phrase “practice party” for our late night forays to “Ted’s” while studying for our finals and orals Senior year. ” Practice” would lead to the perfect party should we pass. He also assisted in adopting a duck that lived in Leather’s room and routinely swam in the sink in the janitor’s closet.

    To me, as a Veteran, one of his most stirring achievements was the creation of a Veteran’s Memorial Park in Lake Saint Louis, Missouri. If you’re ever on I-70 about 40 miles west of Saint Louis take about a 20 minute detour south to the Lake Saint Louis town hall and visit it. It’s a lovely quiet place perfect for reflection. Sit for awhile and think about the Veterans it honors and if you’re a Vet thank Gil for the honor.

    Gil was a real Gentleman and is gone from our lives to soon.

    Rich Moody ‘ 67

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